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Stop scrubbing — there’s a brand new way to clean your fruits, vegetables, and even meats that only requires you to touch a single button.


The Produce Pro: Fruit & Vege Purifier has been known to remove pesticides, dirt and any other chemical residues from all types of foods with an ease! 


So how does it work?  The Produce Pro uses electrolysis, degradation, and deep purification to get your fruits and veggies squeaky clean. When dropped into a bowl of water with fruits, vegetables, or meats, the HeyJar machine decomposes water into OH- and H+. The OH- particles then destroy residual chemicals, rendering them harmless. Then the deep purification kicks in, combining OH- with Cl to further degrade harmful chemical residues and hormones.

Produce Pro: Fruit & Vege Purifier

  • The produce pro generates ion particles which mimic those found in natural, outdoor spaces. These superoxide ions rid the water of pathogens and pollutants. Oxidizing ions destroy the protein structure of the bacteria, viruses, and molds, rendering them harmless. The remaining ions oxidize the volatile organic components floating in the water, making them harmless as well

  • Turn on the switch and put it into the water with food (preferably no more than 3 litres), and then wait for the food to be purified by high-energy ion purification technology, without chemical reagents, and without damaging the nutrition qulaity of the food.

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