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Vervain is an astringent, a bitter digestive tonic and a diuretic.


Vervain aerials have been used traditionally for countless conditions, including stimulation of lactation and treatment of dysmenorrhea, kidney stones, jaundice, anxiety, gout, headache, depression, and insomnia. Used as a poultice or ointment, vervain is considered a natural remedy for bruises, skin infections, insect bites, eczema, and other skin disorders. It has also been used to alleviate sprains. Vervain is also an astringent, a bitter digestive tonic and a diuretic.


Information provided is for informational purposes only. No therapeutic claim is made or intended for this product. Use only as directed. Speak to a health professional if unsure of use.


Vervain Organic

PriceFrom $3.00
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