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A topical rub that when generously applied to affected area may assist in pain relief, inflammatory conditions, achy joints, scarring and pigmentation. A natural anti inflammatory steroid that aids in the production on cortisone. As a precaution if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, this product may not be suitable for you, please read further info in additional product information.



Solanum Laciniatum is a natural anti-inflammatory steroid, native to Australia


Traditional remedies have been studied and incorporated into modern medicine. An example is the kangaroo apple, which has ingredients that act as a female contraceptive. Women who did not want to get pregnant drank a potion derived from the boiled, unripe fruit. The plant material in our rubs only contains ripe fruit, however it also contains the leaves, as a precaution we would advise pregnant women and women trying to conceive to not use this particular product.


The steroidal components of the plant indicate it is a natural source of solasodine and other alkaloids. The researched pharmacological effects in these compounds reveal they showed many activities including anti-inflammatory, anticancer, analgesics, local anesthetic and pain relief, neuropharmacological, antimicrobial, and anti fungal behavior. All that and taking in to account the corticosteroid compound in the plant explains the effective ability to reduce inflammation pain and rashes.

The plant also contains high levels of amino acids. Amino acids are small but potent skincare heroes, creating and maintaining smooth, healthy, younger-looking skin. Amino acids also play a crucial role in creating collagen, fibrinogen, and elastin. These are the connective and structural proteins that keep your skin strong and smooth looking.

The plant is infused with locally sourced extra virgin olive oil. The certified oil is rich polyphenols and antioxidants that promote skin flexibility, moisturising and anti-aging.


Locally sourced bees wax is used to combine the products together. Beeswax contains its own anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. These qualities offer the perfect balance of nourishment to calm the skin, keep it clear and bacteria free, heal wounds and fight infection.

Woodleigh Hills Kangaroo Apple Rub - Natural Steroid

PriceFrom $18.00

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